Monday 12 June 2023

20 Ways To Keep Children Safe Online

In today's digital age, it is important for parents and guardians to take steps to keep children safe online. 

Here are 20 ways to keep children safe online:

Educate children on internet safety. Explain to them the importance of staying safe online and how to protect their personal information.

Use parental controls. Use parental controls on devices to limit access to inappropriate content.

Monitor online activity. Keep an eye on your child's online activity and social media accounts.

Use internet filtering software. Use internet filtering software to block inappropriate websites and content.

Create strong passwords. Teach children to create strong passwords and to never share them with anyone.

Turn off location sharing. Disable location sharing on devices to protect your child's privacy.

Set rules for internet use. Set rules for internet use, such as time limits and appropriate online behavior.

Talk to children about cyberbullying. Explain what cyberbullying is and how to report it.

Teach children to verify information. Teach children to verify information they find online and to not believe everything they see or read.

Use secure websites. Teach children to only use secure websites when making online purchases.

Talk to children about online predators. Explain the dangers of online predators and how to stay safe.

Keep personal information private. Teach children to keep personal information, such as their full name, address, and phone number, private.

Use privacy settings. Use privacy settings on social media accounts to limit who can see your child's information and posts.

Teach children about phishing scams. Explain what phishing scams are and how to identify them.

Keep devices in a common area. Encourage children to use devices in a common area where they can be easily monitored.

Use two-factor authentication. Use two-factor authentication on devices and accounts for an extra layer of security.

Use age-appropriate apps and games. Make sure apps and games are age-appropriate and safe for children to use.

Teach children about online scams. Explain what online scams are and how to identify them.

Set up parental controls on social media. Use parental controls on social media to limit who can see your child's information and posts.

Talk to children about the consequences of online actions. Explain that actions online have real-world consequences, and teach children to think before they post or send messages.

In conclusion, there are many ways to keep children safe online. The key is to educate them on internet safety, monitor their online activity, and set rules for internet use. By taking these steps, parents and guardians can help protect their children from the dangers of the internet.